Yes, Virginia, Marketing Can Deliver ROI

Talk to a doctor (or almost any owner of a small- to medium-sized business) about marketing, and you’re likely to get a less than positive reaction.  We hear stories every day about budgets wasted on marketing programs, consultants and tools that make big promises and deliver scant results.

That’s why for many skeptical business owners, a return on marketing investment has become as illusive as Santa Claus.  But the truth is, marketing ROI IS real.

Here’s how six-channel, integrated marketing to existing contacts delivered an ROI in less than 30 days for a plastic surgery and medspa practice.

Dr. Paul A. Blair Facial Plastic Surgery & Alex Alexa Medispa

Dr. Paul Blair was born and raised in West Virginia, and he’s been practicing medicine there since 1988.  He understands the importance of deep roots and long relationships.

So it made sense that marketing to contacts with whom he has existing relationships would be more cost-effective than chasing new business through expensive channels like advertising and search engine marketing.

Before eRelevance, the practice sent monthly emails to its database and tried to expand its efforts and improve results.

“But we weren’t seeing results, and it was very time-consuming for me,” says Marlena Denning, the practice’s patient care coordinator, who was also doing all the marketing.

In February 2016, the practice launched its first eRelevance campaign using targeted and branded email, text messages, push notifications, Facebook ads, a web landing page and automated conversational content on a smart phone app. It quickly generated interest and measurable results.

By the end of the first month, eRelevance campaigns generated 29 appointment requests. In the second month, there were 60 more.

“We received calls and got responses from patients we hadn’t seen in years,” Denning says “We got so many calls even Dr. Blair was on the phone.”

Because the practice previously used only email, the multi-channel campaigns are reaching far more people.   About 40 percent of the total appointment requests from eRelevance campaigns have come from the mobile app, targeted Facebook ads and SMS texting (the other 60 percent have come from phone and email).

“We’re seeing that multi-channel is key,” Denning says,

Denning attributes $12,539 in revenue to her first two campaigns.

“In the first month, eRelevance generated enough revenue to pay for the service for more than a year,” she adds.

While the lead and revenue results are undeniable, Denning points out that an important part of the value is in the service, and the time it saves her.

Each eRelevance client is assigned a dedicated account manager and a creative manager.  The account manager checks in with clients at least weekly with suggestions and advice.  The creative manager crafts each campaign based on marketing best practices from the data of thousands of campaigns and millions of touches eRelevance executes for clients.

“They blew me away with what they’re dong for us,” Denning says.  “It’s very simple to use, and I was surprised by how quickly it worked.”

Results are no fairy tale.